Word will suggest grammatically correct hyphenation divisions.
The Manual Hyphenation dialog box appears with the first instance of possible hyphenation found in your document. Word will search the document for words to hyphenate and then ask you whether to include a hyphen and where to position it. If you have already typed text into your document, you can select manual hyphenation. Particularly in narrow columns, consecutive hyphenation can cause the sentences to look fragmented. NOTE: In some documents, the number of consecutively hyphenated lines should be limited. OPTIONAL: In the Limit consecutive hyphens to text box, type or use the nudge buttons to indicate the number of consecutive lines that can be hyphenated To allow more hyphens, make the hyphenation zone narrower. To reduce the number of hyphens, make the hyphenation zone wider.

OPTIONAL: In the Hyphenation zone text box, type or use the nudge buttons to indicate the amount of space to leave between the end of the last word in a line and the right margin

Macintosh: From the Tools menu, select Hyphenation. Windows: From the Tools menu, select Language » Hyphenation. You should wait to hyphenate your document until after you have finished writing and editing because later additions and deletions of text may affect where line breaks occur. Word 2003/2004 has several options for controlling how and when this hyphenation can occur. When typing a document, words may be divided with hyphenation.

This article is based on legacy software. (Archives) Microsoft Word 2003: Hyphenation Options